Saturday, July 18, 2009

Socialized Medicine: A Comment from the Front Lines

Here's a comment by one of the dependents of our finest in uniform on the benefits of socialized medicine:
"All you have to do is ask ANY military family about their "healthcare". It is a prime example why we SHOULD NOT have socialized medicine. My son was in the hospital er waiting room turning blue while they were busy treating someone with the sniffles (I overheard his mother talking to the nurse "I know it's a cold, but can't you give him something. I don't want him to miss a party he is supposed to go to this afternoon") I told the triage nurse that my son was asthmatic and needed help. He was having trouble breathing and they IGNORED us...go sit, fill out this paperwork and we will get to you when we can. Right - I practically had to throw him at the staff, screaming at them, to get him help! His lips were BLUE! We were there for over an hour BEFORE he got any kind of treatment. At the civilian hospital - he was whisked back with an inhaler treatment while I filled out the paperwork! BIG DIFFERENCE! I will NEVER forget it!"

That's what you're going to get when you have the gubment providing your health care. Do you hear the laughing in the background. That's the Democrats spending you hard earned money on junkets.

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