Friday, July 3, 2009

Meddling in the Affairs of Others

One has to wonder at the consistency of the Democrats. Let's see, regime change is bad when Republicans initiate it, but it's good when the Democrats initiate it. As Pat Buchanan points out in his column today on Honduras:

Will someone please explain why this bloodless transfer of power to the civilian legislator first in line for the presidency, in a sovereign nation, is any business of the United Nations, the Organization of American States, Hugo Chavez, the Castro brothers or Barack Obama? For all have denounced the "coup" and demanded Zelaya's immediate return.

The hypocrisy here is astounding.

So let's see, count noses, all the people for restoring this guy to power who are not yourselves tyrants, please raise your hands. There's a hand going up. He's a little hesitant, but there — president Obama raised his hand. He says he's not a tyrant and that he won't raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. There it is!

Check out this Washington Times Article Here's an excerpt:
What happened in Honduras was not a military coup. Honduras has a civilian president, Roberto Micheletti, a member of former President Manuel Zelaya's own Liberal Party, who was elevated to the post after Mr. Zelaya was removed. The army did not seize power, but acted as the elected government's instrument in ousting Mr. Zelaya, who was well on his way to subverting the Honduran constitution and erecting a dictatorship.

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