Saturday, July 11, 2009

What Is This? An Incredible Rant

You just have to wonder sometimes. A friend of mine sent me this YouTube video with the comment "Thought you would enjoy this." — well she go that wrong! I don't quite know what to make of it. This guy is totally new to me but his name is Hon. James David Manning, Ph.D. and apparently he's the chief pastor of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem, New York City.

The video is over the top for this rather conservative contemplative caucasian who doesn't go in for much harsh name calling. Some of the allegations on the video are not new to me, for example the ongoing question of Obama's birth certificate. That just seems like an issue that should have gone away a long time ago. It's so transparently easy to resolve if it's not an issue. So the fact that it is even still on the table takes some explaining. SEE SNOPES.COM

The issue Manning raises about a guy named Larry Sinclair is new to me. I guess I don't get out much. The claim is that this guy Larry Sinclair did drugs and homosexual sex with Barack Obama while he was a state senator in 1999. Sinclair is writing a book. He apparently failed a polygraph test so may well be a liar at least about his Obama connection. Related to that assertion is the assertion that Obama was implicated in the death of a homosexual lover, Donald Young. Is any of this true? Or is it all a fevered fabrication of people hostile to Barack Obama? Frankly, as I said, I must live in a cocoon because I had not heard about any of this stuff. If you haven't either, you certainly can wonder why not? Maybe it's because the news media vetted the stories and found them without merit. Again perhaps it was just that they didn't want to hurt Obama's chances to be elected just like they protected John Kennedy when he had mistresses in the White House, common knowledge among the press corps. Who knows? I sure don't.


While I was rooting around on the internet trying to find out more about these allegations, I stumbled on this rather fun political video hyping Obama over Hilary Clinton. Since I'm a Star Wars fan I watched the whole thing. If nothing else it certainly puts American political campaigns in some perspective. Can anyone believe any of these people? Incredible.!

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