Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some Legislators Get It!: Bob Goodlatte is One!

SEE HERE Bob Goodlatte is my congressman. I've supported Bob for many years and it's because he is just the best darn congressman I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. I've known several and followed more and Bob gets it. He gets it when he had town meetings and really really listens hard. Bob must wear out more shoes than most congressman because he goes to tremendous lengths to go out and listen to his constituents of all parties and persuasions. He takes the role of being a "representative" very seriously.
The link above is to Bob's comment on this disastrous health care that the Obamanauts are trying to jam down our throat. I can't get over the gall of writing an over a thousand page program, dropping it on the legislature at like 3 a.m. and expecting to get it voted on without it having been read or debated. Where are we living, a banana republic? run by a dictator? Oh, yeah, like Obama says he won't take "No" for an answer. When you're a dictator you don't have to take "No" — so let's show Obama that we won't be dictated to. Say "No" and say it emphatically.
Some of what Bob says:
At least two different independent analyses of the House Democrats health care legislation estimate that more than 100 million Americans would lose their current health care coverage. In addition to losing their health insurance, Americans are going to lose control over their health care decisions. Under the Democrats vision, Washington would have ultimate control over what is best for patients, what treatments are acceptable, and how long patients wait for needed care.

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