Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Russian Rudeness

CLARIFICATION: Glenn Beck on July 21st ran an extended video of this piece and it appears that President Obama is introducing the other person and not being snubbed.
This is just weird. Why are the Russians snubbing the president. It's not as if they aren't shaking the hands of the other guy. This looks like an intentional snub. Maybe he should have bowed, no I'm being snotty there. Obama is not the sharpest chisel in the box when it comes to foreign relations, but this is outrageous. I suppose after bending over and giving the Russians everything they wanted without getting anything substantive in return, he's lost what little respect he may have had in the first place. But this is egregious.
CLARIFICATION: Glenn Beck on July 21st ran an extended video of this piece and it appears that President Obama is introducing the other person and not being snubbed.

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