Saturday, August 14, 2010

American Socialists ... Vote These Bozos Out!

SEE HERE Socialism at its finest! The road not only to serfdom but to the gulag and the gas chambers. Socialists are those who think they know better what is good for us than we do ourselves. Here's a list of Democrats that particularly need to retire to the pastures reserved for those who think other peoples money is theirs.

The politics of envy and greed reaches a peak with those who would spread the misery around. That were spreading the wealth around goes you know. You disincentivize those who work hard to build businesses and employ others. You take their money to those who have less. The reason they have less is that they do less and you disincentivize them to do more.

What goes around comes around so soon there are fewer people to bear the costs so you raise the rates and this goes into a deadly spiral and then you wonder when everyone is destitute why you great utopian dreams didn't work out. Just because you are well intended doesn't mean you have the right to steal.

Who put you in charge of the world? That's a question these bozos can't answer ... they think it is because they are so wise and caring. The reality is that they think money is a finite resource and the rich have it because they stole it from the poor. Money isn't a finite resource in that sense. It is only the current evidence of productive work. When you make it something else you destroy its usefulness. Then it's all downhill.

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