Friday, August 20, 2010

Obama ... Just What Is He?

SEE HERE I needed some story to hang this amusing image of Rush Limbaugh on so I figured I might as well make it the story where I found the image in the first place. The issue is LIES. Well also the issue is this idea that a lot of Americans think Obama is a Muslim. Now I don't really care if Obama is a Muslim. He's on record as saying he is, but he said he misspoke. He was registered as a Muslim in a school when he was a kid. He's said the the Muslim call to prayer is the sweetest sound in the world. He's bowed to Muslim princes. And he doesn't go to any Christian church because he'd be a disruption. So all in all he looks a lot like a Muslim. He sure doesn't look like a Christian. His background is largely opaque so it's hard to determine what he is. He just looks like trouble.

PUNCH LINE:(from El Rushmo) "It is not something healthy for the American people to not know what religion their president is, to have doubts to the extent that they do about this man and his life and where he's been and who he is, it's not healthy, it's not good. We can make fun of it, and we will, and we'll have our fun with it, but at the end of the day, this is not good. And we have people who have promulgated this. We have the partisan political operative media who have facilitated this intricately woven web of deceit and confusion, all for the purposes of getting their party elected to power so as to advance their agenda, at the expense, in fact, of the country."

We don't now who this man is. We don't now what he is. He appears to be a chameleon. One prominent psychologist called him a classic Narcissist. He's brought radicals and self-professed Communists into the government. He is running the least transparent administration in history after promising the most transparent. This is all very disturbing to those of us that bother to think about such things. For those who just go floating along barely aware of being alive I guess it doesn't matter much until the Gestapo comes knocking. There are a hundred little warning signals in the air and they are all swept under the rug one by one so that you wonder sometimes if you're on the same planet as you used to be. Superman comics had its Bizzaro World and Star Trek had its sort of negative Star Trek universe that you go into when the transporter malfunctioned. Sometimes watching the internet these days makes you feel that way. I'll be a lot happier if things would just return to normal. But I think that may be a while in coming and the ride from here to there may get distinctly bumpy.

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