Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ashamed of the American Flag?

SEE HERE I don't really know what to think about this. I did a little googling around when a friend sent it to me and I thought can this be true? Is this some other venue than the White House? There has been a pattern of this president removing symbols from the background. When he spoke at Georgetown he had crucifixes covered up. There's the famous picture of him sort of having his hands crossed across his crotch while everyone else had their hand across their hearts as the star spangled banner was played. So what is it with this guy? He sure doesn't act like an American. It's outrageous. But just to cut him some slack (and I don't do that much), maybe there is some other explanation. Anyone have a clue?

AH THE COVER STORY Obviously there is some truth in this, but notice that all the explanatory pictures are not in a White House briefing setting. It doesn't really address the fundamental issue.

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