Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Wonks At the Washington Post Think Beck Rally Is a Litmus Test of the Tea Party

SEE HERE I signed up to get column spews from the Washington Post and almost every day I am tempted to unsubscribe. They are an unrelievedly liberal bunch who spin any event into a progressive, damp hand shake, twaddle-laden, smoke and mirrors bunkum script that is hard to read with a straight face it's so lacking in principled rhetoric. Pure spin is usually the order of the day. There almost always seems to be a sub-text, a hidden agenda, a cryptic message to be imported into the readers mind past "watchful dragons" as C.S. Lewis characterized in his case the Christian "supposals" that underlaid the Narnian Chronicles. We live in a world papered over with falsehoods and ridicule of the truth as if a gang of devils has undertaken to slime the world and conceal the truth.

I hope the turn out at Glenn Beck's event is staggering. If we don't shock people like the Washington ComPost into realizing that virtue and principle are not dead after all, we'll continue to get this snide kind of coverage that they're always putting up. I'm not picking particularly on this piece, just the mind-set that lives feverishly babbling like the head in "That Hideous Strength" within the Washington beltway.

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