Monday, August 23, 2010

It's All In the Framing

HERE and HERE and HERE The gays are having a gay-old time celebrating the divisiveness in the Conservative camp over the whole Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, WND brouhaha. Notice the framing however, because it's dishonest and slanted. The problem with gays is that the activity is sinful. That's it is morally wrong. Now someone who sins is not automatically hated. Nor is the recognition of sinfulness an act of hatred. More often it is an act of admonition and love. We ought not to sin because the wages of sin are death, and not that plain old ordinary death of the body, but the death of the immortal soul.

"Oh you're just a religious nut" might be the retort from people in a society saturated with immorality. I confess. I'm a sinner too just like all the rest of you. But failure to recognize sinfulness for what it is, is not an act of love. So all the celebratory ranting from the gay crowd is really a chant of people celebrating their own sinfulness. It is profoundly sad because to have lost one's sense of sinfulness is to have become a fundamentally immoral person. When enough people become that way, the society collapses.

So Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter are wrong. WND called it right. If in fact Beck and Coulter are just playing to a young propagandized demographic in hopes of cashing in, then they're just being immoral in a different way. My mother used to say "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." It isn't clear that there is a good intention involved in telling those trapped in the gay obsession that they are all right and that we recognize their right to be that way. We don't do that with other sinners. We don't tell thieves that it's OK. We don't tell racists that it's OK. We are ignoring a lot of serial polygamy and adultery and that's not OK either.

"You're just being judgmental." Well yes, I'm exercising my judgment. Based on the objective character of moral law these are wrong actions, sinful and ultimately destructive of the human person. Failure to recognize that is also sinful for to destroy your moral sensibilities is a sin as well. It's called hardening of your conscience. It happens when you intentionally stop attending to the evil character of a thing and instead excuse it. Done often enough and you no longer recognize right from wrong. When you have reached that state you are more like a demon than a good angel and sadly you've also lost the ability to ask for forgiveness. Typically at that point only some great catastrophe in your life will make you once more attend to the right. That catastrophe will come and C.S. Lewis, speaking of pain, called it "God's Megaphone." If you're not listening it may be your last chance.

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