Sunday, August 15, 2010

So Much for the Hockey Stick

SEE HERE Bad science is bad science. Here's a refutation of the legendary hockey stick which took selected proxies and created a agenda driven phony global warming crisis. This paper shows that they didn't even do the math right. Oh well! Thus should go all agenda driven science. You're supposed to get the outcome from the numbers (the data) not drive the data to the conclusion desired.

The response of the climate alarmists?
Commenters on WUWT report that Tamino and Romm are deleting comments even mentioning this paper on their blog comment forum. Their refusal to even acknowledge it tells you it has squarely hit the target, and the fat lady has sung – loudly.
Gee how scientific of them! These guys are not scientists by any stretch of the imagination.

1 comment:

  1. Is this a comment? This is an English language blog ... I'd appreciate it if you'd use English in making comments. If you must use Chinese or Japanese or whatever this is then please include a translation for the rest of us.
