Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Falling Out Among Thieves

SEE HERE Now that the Democrats have experienced a tsunami of Conservative sentiment from the people they are supposed to represent the usual falling out among thieves is taking place. Finger pointing and blame is a pointless game as if the pointing will help when the foundational reason for the problems are the braindead policies they have been supporting. The Federal Government was never intended to be the nannystate that tucks us into bed and takes all our wealth for the privilege of being bossed around. What part of "representative" government don't they get? Now the question is whether this new crop of Congressmen will be as subject to beltway amnesia as all the rest have been? They go to Washington and experience a total brain meltdown and become tax and spenders like all the rest. It's time to stop the gravy train before the trainwreck we're on happens.

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