Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Blindness In Washington: The Chasm Looms and No-one Is Paying Any Attention!

SEE HERE I suppose the problem might be that the Congress is made up predominantly of lawyers and lawyers, whatever their virtues, were not the sharpest chisels in the toolbox when it came to economics and mathematics. So maybe they're just ignorant. But ignorance is not really much of an excuse. It was president Reagan that said that the government spends money like drunken sailors but that was an insult to the sailors since at least the sailors were spending their own money. We are rapidly approaching a chasm from which there is seemingly no turning back. It is the chasm of profound economic collapse. When it happens it will transform the nation in ways we cannot imagine. When it happened in Germany it led to the Third Reich. It seems that the Obama administration hopes that it will lead to something more like a resurrection of Marxian socialism. Wherever it leads it may well be to a bad place. We need desperately to draw back from the brink, restore fiscal sanity, and shrink the size and scope of government. Failing that we will simply become one more footnote in the history of failed social experiments.

MORE The problem is that one side of the argument believes that the collapse is in their best interests because they think they will benefit so they are striving to make it happen. The other side is in thrall to the rhetoric about government shutdown. Frankly, if the government really shutdown we'd probably all be the better for it.

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