Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ron Paul Treated Shabbily At the Republican Convention

This is despicable.  It casts the integrity of the Republican Party into question (not that that's a surprise, all the parties seem to be corrupt as hell) but Ron Paul had no chance of being nominated.  This was petty.  It was dishonorable.  It was the kind of crap that tics off the grassroots who are the heart and soul of the party.  We should get rid of all the establishment figures that think they are better than the rest of us and run the party like a private fiefdom or get a new party that has honesty and integrity.  This was outrageous and unnecessary.  It shows how stupid the leadership really is.  Joseph Sobran for many years called the Republican party the "stupid party" and for good reason.

I probably should add that I'm not a Ron Paul supporter.  My candidates didn't make the cut because of the slimy way politics operates in this country.  I wanted Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich, the only two figures except for Paul Ryan that had something resembling integrity and brains.  Well I support Paul Ryan and I'll take a chance on Romney since I don't have a choice.

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