Sunday, August 19, 2012

More on Ex-Marine Brandon Raub

SEE HERE I probably should start by distancing myself from some of Raub's beliefs.  I think talk of there being some 9/11 conspiracy to fake the Twin Tower situation is definitely fringe insanity.  It fails the test of the most basic questions such as why?  Or how would they have coordinated it?  The other thing I guess I'm not too crazy about is the idea that there is this vast conspiracy to enslave us orchestrated by international globalists.  I think our own indigenous radicals are conspiracy enough.  But I should point out that there is a minor industry out there providing support for all these beliefs and Raub didn't invent it.  HERE is a piece he wrote which seems to be generally lucid and not poorly motivated.  It has a Ron Paul flavor when it comes to the Federal Reserve.  He talks about the schools dumbing down the children.  I can salute that.  The idea that there is a lot of hidden technology is a myth I've heard all my life from a myriad of sources.  I think it's wrong but it's certainly not all that unusual.  So I'm not convinced that this guy is any more nutty than Harry Reid or Joe Biden.  Let's put them in a mental hospital and see how they do.  The question is whether this is a trial run on picking up a citizen, sticking him in a mental hospital and pretending he's a terrorist without due process.  I'd say it stinks to high heavens.  Who are they coming for next.  They should not be allowed to get away with this.

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