Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bullets for Barack

SEE HERE I don't know what to make of all the sudden hoopla about ammunition buys. Is it really something to be concerned about. The fact that there is a lot of hollow point ammo being purchased seems a bit strange I suppose. But I don't really know what kind of ammo they usually purchase. The volume of purchases appears to be large enough that there is concern about supply for private individuals. That leads me to wonder if part of the idea might be to dry up the supply of ammunition to civilians. In advance of a planned move to martial law that might make sense. Although the whole narrative that expects Obama to drum up a crisis to justify martial law seems far fetched. I am skeptical, but I'm also suspicious since I do see the individual in the White House as essentially a man of totalitarian temperament. To see that all you have to do is listen to him and watch his behavior.

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