Friday, August 31, 2012

Render to Caesar the Things that are Caesar's and to God the Things that are God's

SEE HERE The whole idea that man can control the levels of the oceans is a degree of hubris that is beyond stupid, beyond even megalomania, and borderline blasphemy.  I am reminded of God's question to Job: "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?"  I recently posted a link that references a recent study that compellingly links the rise of CO2 levels to the warming of the earth and not the other way around.  What this means is that the whole global warming alarmism is phony baloney.  Now those who have frequented this blog know I think this to be the case.  The science is just not there. 

The whole global warming schtick is based on ad hoc climate models.  The problem with all computer modeling is that you get out what you put in.  I used to call it Garbage In Gospel Out.  It's fascinating how people will salute when you say well the XYZ Model says ... whatever.  If they know that the model says just what the programmers made it say, they might seek a little firmer ground for believing it.  Generating the grounds for believing a model is called model validation.  Backward validation shows that the model accurately predicts what you have seen before.  If a model fails here it is really really bad because you know all this data.  Forward validation is does it predict the future.  This is tougher because you have to either wait of the future or hold back some information to use for forward validation from an earlier data set.  Climate models don't validate very well.

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