Monday, August 20, 2012

Religion Without Content, Life Without Meaning

Michael Voris outdoes himself today with a terrific send up of religion without content. I don't think this is just a Catholic issue. All religions have some segment that just goes through the motions and isn't authentic. The problem is a very pointed one. Being "Nice" is not the same as being "good." Indeed, "Nice" is mostly schmoozing through life without engaging anything very authentic. Authenticity has a biting edge which is the knife of good and evil, truth and falsehood, right and wrong, real and delusional, and "Nice" fails the fundamental test of authenticity. Our world is full of the "Nice" crowd who are uncomfortable when anything that calls for a decision, a real decision crops up. Our politicians are full of it and we are paying the price for virtue is incompatible with "Nice."

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