Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Cautionary Tail: When Government Becomes Arbitrary

SEE HERE It's not really clear from this account who did anything actually that was wrong. A Canadian bought gold for Americans by proxie and had it stored in Switzerland. The U.S. Treasury was not happy since it was illegal for Americans to buy gold (although in fact the gold was owned legally by a Canadian who was holding it by proxie for the Americans, and besides since when has the government the right to tell you what metal you can buy?) Things go from bad to worse.

It's worth some thoughtful reflection. Freedom, among other things, means freedom from unreasonable restraint. It seems to me that we have here an example of tyranny and a complex example at that since it is tyranny imposed by the United States on a citizen of another country via proxy. That'll teach those Canadians to provide a proxy service to Americans. I wonder if any Canadians can get arrested for going to the United States to get their health care when the Canadian system, as it usually does, imposes unreasonable waiting times.

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