Saturday, August 18, 2012

Did You Think You Have Freedom of Speech?

This is very interesting and troubling. FBI, Secret Service, and Police arrest former decorated Marine for his Facebook posts. This is chilling since it clearly is about suppressing free speech. The claim is that he resisted arrest. So we have a situation where an individual is confronted by overwhelming government authority and they claim he resisted. Resistance these days seems to include disagreeing with the authorities when they show up. He was not "arrested" they say but he's in jail. So what is going on? He's not been read his rights. This is troubling! SEE HERE ARREST VIDEO No sign of resistance and it isn't clear on what grounds the confrontation was initiated. Apparently the government is ramping up suppression of those who are dissenting voices. Only the kind of dissent that Obama approves may be allowed? Is that the message? Occupy Wall Street is just fine but Tea Party people and other patriots are not welcome? I want to see what motivated this.
UPDATE LINK TO HIS POSTS Frankly I think a lot of these are a bit over the top, but as one of my correspondents asked:

"What I would like to know, is why the FBI, Secret Service and the police are willing to take on this man, but are totally ignoring the New Black Panthers who have voiced their intentions of killing all whities and go into the nurseries and kill all white babies. These people are out there causing trouble and DHS is ignoring them and they are allowed to stand outside of Polling Places and terrorize voters as they enter there to vote. I don't know if this man had any real intention of carrying out his rants, or if he was just expressing his fears, concerns and desires to take action should the need arise. This whole situation concerns me."

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