Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Could Sanity Be Returning? — Possible If Unlikely

SEE HERE The latest Zogby poll says 49 percent of Americans say they are only slightly or not at all concerned about climate change, while 35 percent are somewhat or highly concerned. Well that's actually promising. Perhaps everyone is coming to their senses. I wouldn't hold my breath however.

I've been reading Lawrence Solomon's book "The Deniers." It's an easy to read book which on a popular level documents the positions of quite a number of respected scientists who deny global warming or more accurately deny the extremist positions on global warming supported by the UN's IPCC.

The book shows time and time again how the alarmists have exaggerated what begins as reasonable science. One example is the lifetime of CO2 in the environment which the alarmists have exaggerated from 5-12 years to decades and centuries to try to make their case. They also cherry pick their data to pick only data which can be twisted to support their agenda. That's not science. It isn't even honest. So the deniers should be put in contrast to the liars. When you deny a lie you are supporting the truth.

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