Friday, December 18, 2009

We Have Forgotten ... Something We Can Ill Afford to Do!

SEE HERE The lessons of history are many. Victory is to the swift and the determined. Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I was looking at ancient sayings today and I looked at quite a few. An example is:

"Οι αιώνες αντιγράφουν αλλήλους." (αρχαιοελληνικό ρητό)
  • "The centuries copy each other." (ancient Greek saying)
  • Equivalent to "History repeats itself."
We're currently repeating a whole series of bad history starting with spending ourselves into poverty. The celebrated "New Deal" did that despite all the hoopla about how great Franklin Roosevelt was. We have forgotten the importance of virtue and we are teaching a generation of children to be venal and low and for that we can hardly not pay a price.

I rather love the great mottos which were on the temple of Apollo at Delphi such as "Know Thyself" and "Everything In Moderation", both concepts we seem not to be teaching our children. I think that all children should be steeped in the three old Greeks: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle for the thought that emerged from Greece is the father of Western Civilization.

When we forget the lessons of history, of virtue, dedication, of goodness, truth and beauty we forget that we are men and sink to the level of animals. Much of the discourse that I see in the media these days seems to turn on nothing but ease and pleasure and satiation. If we don't change that then we are finished as a civilization and our legacy will be ashes.

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