Saturday, December 19, 2009

Giving Away the Store: Obama's Principle Accomplishment

SEE HERE The current government seems to have no slighted clue as to how wealth is created. They are all people who have never worked for anyone that created any. The result is a whole government filled with people who think wealth is created by theft. That of course makes them little more than thieves. Then because they only steal (tax) because they don't know how wealth is created and so can do little to create any of their own, they justify themselves by assuming that like themselves those that have wealth have stolen it from others.

Of course this is an infinite regress and since no wealth is created the assumption must be of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that those evil rich are hoarding, right? Of course the reality is quite different. Most of the innovation and new job creation comes from small businesses started by entrepreneurs who seek to make their fortune by creating something new.

Large government and large business tend to collude like Chesterton's "Hudge and Gudge" and squeeze the little businesses and the individual. The result is spreading poverty and a few that are well positioned to steal do, and the rest of us are the ones stolen from. It is always presented in glowing terms of the public interest. Follow the money is always good advice. It always goes from your pocket to their pocket with very few stops along the way.

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