Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Letter Everyone Is Talking About ...

SEE HERE Well maybe not everyone. In some ways it is a pretty vanilla letter listing the usual gripes about politicians that talk a good game and then vote their own self-interest. There have been a lot of whiny Democratic responses of the usual sort to it with themes like: 1) It's a Republican plot, 2) You're all racists, 3) It's a bunch of tea party fanatics, ... and ... well you probably get the idea. I thought I'd just list the points and make my own little comment:

One: illegal immigration — the writer is against it. The big question of course is why everyone isn't against it. What part of "illegal" do they not understand? Do they think that people sneaking into the country for whatever reason is a good idea? The statistics on this crowd of illegals are none too good either. Why is this an issue of any kind? Stop it. It's called law enforcement. The fact that the Democrats think they are protodemocrats or plan to register them illegally with ACORN help ... there has to be some reason they are for it. Don't tell me it is because Democrats have such big hearts, it'll definitely upset my stomach.

Two: the STIMULUS bill — repeal it. First of all I agree that the stimulus bill doesn't seem to be much more than a payback vehicle by the Democrats to funnel taxpayer money their cronies. You can't show much stimulus from the stimulus bill. Moreover, the very idea is a bit weird. If you want to stimulate the economy give people all their money back. Cancel income taxes for a year, or something significant. This is just play acting.

Three: Czars — I'm not sure it is the czars themselves that are the big deal as the fact that they were almost universally extremists. I don't know enough to say there were more or less than in previous administrations, but I do think we are safe in saying that this bunch was about as extreme a bunch of advisors as has ever been assembled and it all turns on the question of just exactly what is Obama really up to? If the answer is transforming the United States then one has to consider the mind set of these advisors as relevant and they were all extremists. Maybe not all, subtract one or two who were just extreme leftists. In case you need an illustration SEE HERE

Four: cap and trade — This has to be defeated. It's nonsense to begin with and it will totally cripple the energy industry and make everything very much more expensive and for what? Let me say this: Global Warming Is a SCAM and CO2 is not a pollutant, it's a damn plant nutrient. So stop the lying and posturing and pretending that any of this is to save the planet. It's all to feather the nests of the rich and powerful and milk and maybe destroy the first world countries for the alledged benefit of the third world. I can think of a whole lot of good ways to help the third world and I doubt that this should be one of them.

Five: universal healthcare — The government can't run anything well and you want to turn your health care over to them? The reason health care is currently screwed up is because of government. If you want it fixed you want government out of it altogether. Since when do we need nanny-government to help us cradle to grave? Where did this idea get started? and by the way, none of it is constitutional.

Six: growing government control — Enumerated powers. Did you ever hear of those. The federal government is supposed to be limited government. Have you noticed that they no longer seem to understand that in Washington? If we don't do something soon they will have become a tyranny. They are already well on the way.

... well I'm getting tired. There are a whole bunch more ... another six. I pretty much agree with them all. If we don't put the brakes on soon we won't be able to and we can welcome the imperial age of the United States and judging from the judgment on display of our fearless leaders it will be a short and expensive trip to the poor house.

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