Friday, December 11, 2009

Making The World a Richer Place

Some people are "cookie monsters" — I am blue with big googlie eyes and say in a deep voice "Coooookie ... coookie." I picked up a copy of Linda J. Amendt's cookie book after my wife heard about it on a radio program and mentioned it. "400 cookies" I thought. Now that's something to get excited about.

So I googled (not the googlie eyes thing) up the book and amazon'ed it and big brown dropped it off a couple of days later. I immediately eyeballed all the cookie recipes as well as some of the many full color pictures. Saliva generating, mouth watering cookies ...

I set out to make my first batch of cookies (well not quite, since I helped my mom make cookies sometimes when I was younger) and it was page 180 "Oatmeal Cranberry Pecan Dreams." Great pick! I quickly found that making cookies was trickier than I thought, but still fun. The 4 dozen cookies didn't make it three days in the house. I think we ate about half of them before the last ones were cool.

A few days later it was page 171 "Chocolate Chip Dreams" where I substituted pecans for the walnuts. They just disappeared today into the mouths of my colleagues at the college. The next adventure will be "Cream Cheese Walnut Cookies." (page 102). In the Christmas season it is hard to beat this for an adventure every few days. I just have to find some help because if I eat'em all it's too bad for my diet. I still am focused on losing weight (but I guess I hadn't told you guys about that.)

Merry Christmas! Cookies and Horton raspberry wine, yeah that's the ticket!

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