Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The True Believers ... A Critique!

SEE HERE One has to wonder what keeps the global warming bubble inflated. We know now that it certainly isn't data since there really isn't any of any great consequence. It also isn't any sort of real danger, since on any objective analysis there isn't any. Indeed, even were the most apocalyptic of visions advanced by any of the real scientists to happen, the net effect would be not even noticeable to most people and mostly positive to those that did notice. It would be marginally warmer on average.

It takes a real taste for doomsday to generate much out of even the worst of the warming propaganda. Since it isn't happening and is actually growing somewhat cooler, this isn't a problem but the mantra marches on as if nothing had happened. These are people in a trance or fixated on an idea, don't bother them with data about reality. What gives?

Brett Stephens begins his critique with "Is it not obvious that the vision of apocalypse as it was revealed to Saint John of Patmos was, in fact, global warming?" Well no, Brett it isn't obvious at all and therein lies a tale. I think G.K. Chesterton would have identified it as the tyranny of a single idea, and a wrong one at that. Stephens instead calls it the "totalitarian impulse." Any stick is good enough to beat the system that you've developed a mindless distaste for. It might as well be global warming. This is actually a form of insanity of course, emotional, mindless, and driven by the agenda however poorly understood or articulated. REWARD FOR GETTING THIS FAR

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