Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Are We Nuts or What? The Story of the Spartan Boy and the Fox Reminds Me of Western Societies and Islam

SEE HERE Well Newt Gingrich is pointing out the obvious, that we tend to treat terrorists better than our own citizens, giving them the benefit of the doubt which opens all Americans up to much greater threat of becoming victims. Perhaps it is time to recognize that Islam in not a religion of peace and that many mosques are simply dens of terrorists in the making. I'm not sure how you deal with a religion that has a record of religious intolerance and violence as a matter of principle. What I am quite sure of is that were Islam the majority my freedoms as a Christian would be sharply curtailed. I would be targeted for not only taxes but become vulnerable to abuse and even occasional pograms. That is the history of Islam. The latest issue of the Homiletic and Pastoral Review includes a review SEE HERE
by James V. Schall, S.J. a Jesuit I know better from his articles in Gilbert! the magazine of the American Chesterton Society. The review is of "111 Questions on Islam" by Samir Khalil Samir, S.J. who is billed as a leading expert on Islam.

The book was originally written in 2002 in Italian. This edition is a 2008 translation. The question for all Americans is whether or not there is a position for Islam within a secular Judeo-Christian society that does not put that society at risk? For if there is not, then we should be doing something to ensure our own safety and the safety of our children and our childrens' children. The night is far gone and the states of Europe should be watched to see how this evolution develops. They will be the first to experience the growth of Islam within.

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