Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Loons Are Still Pushing the Agenda

SEE HERE This gets funnier and funnier if you don't take it too seriously. Let me see. The agenda appears to be to generate a new model since the old model isn't being bought anymore. Now what I'd like to see is some data, any old real data that closely links CO2 emissions to significant warming and then moreover shows that the fossil fuel combustion is a significant contributor. This stuff seems crazy to me because the effect is small, the ability of man to change the effect is smaller still and no one has established that human beings are causing the effect in the first place, but the proto-tyrants go on and on about it manufacturing a crisis. Bull!

Here is some other material HERE and HERE The first reference basically says that climate models suck. They don't retro-predict so they can't forward predict. In the modeling world this is called validation and it means the models don't validate. The second reference refers to an entirely different theory of the driving functions for global warming that implicate cosmic rays HERE If this is true as it likely is then CO2 will disappear. I share the comment of the first commenter on this paper: "Hot diggety dawg! Climate SCIENCE for a change."
Check this out too: HERE

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