Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Certificate of Live Birth Is Not A Birth Certificate

James David Manning is an interesting and passionately anti-Obama person as far as I can tell. He runs something called Atlah up in New York. The fact that this issue continues to have major traction is interesting in its own right. The point is that no-one seems to be able to confirm that Obama was actually born in Hawaii, no attending physician, no hospital, no corroborating testimony and no-one who testifies to actually knowing he was born in Hawaii. Meanwhile there appear to be a large number of people in Kenya who think he was born there. The issue needs to be explored and confirmed. It's too important and there are people in prison now just because they refused to obey orders they were not convinced were legal orders. Why is a birth certificate causing all these problems if it isn't a real issue? I have one. What's so sensitive about it unless you don't have it.

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