Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Budget Reality: We Have To Stop The Spending

I've been watching the antics in Washington for a long time. The players may change but the game never seems to. We have to "balance the budget" we hear. We have to have "fiscal responsibility" we hear. The folks saying those things always seem to be the folks out of power. So the public which is concerned about runaway spending votes in the wailing minority and they proceed to spend just like the majority and now the new minority takes up the mantra. We're being gulled. We need to start talking this seriously and stop being the targets. Every dollar the government spends is extorted from you. For every dollar someone gets from the government, more than a dollar was spent in the bureaucracy on the round trip from your pocket and back via Washington. Worse, the government when it spends money spends it recklessly. They don't get value for the money they spend. It's all "free money" from their point of view. They didn't have to earn it. This game will go on until we get serious about throwing the bums out or the system collapses. Right now it's an even money race! I think collapse has the most chance of winning though. These clowns in Washington are too addicted to this game to stop playing.

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