Tuesday, February 15, 2011

WMD Attack Certain says FBI Expert

SEE HERE This isn't really a surprise is it? The mindless hatred in the minds of some drives them to attack innocent people. It's likely a kind of paranoia or maybe a kind of twisted envy. You have more than we do so it must be your fault that we are poor and downtrodden. This kind of thinking is rampant in the world. It isn't the case.

It's called Zero Sum Game thinking and assumes a false model of wealth as sort of a finite pile of gold so if you have the gold you must have stolen it from my share. They might think about it more like a gold rush. The folks that get the gold are those that go to where it is and work hard to dig it out. If you didn't go and dig, why do you think you have a right to any? Much less why do you think you have a grievance that justifies you killing people randomly?

Reality thinking however says that they're there, they don't like us, and they want to hurt us and so we must be ever vigilant and head them off if we can.

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