Sunday, February 27, 2011

So What's Behind the Wisconsin Thing?: Scott Walker In His Own Speak.

Unions have to face reality just like the rest of us. "We're broke!" When you're broke you can't continue to pay benefits which already exceed what all the rest of the people receive. Notice how unreasonable they become when told that they have to face reality. Does that mean they think they are better than the rest of us? I don't know, but the sheer arrogance of all this just makes me boil. Virginia is a "Right to Work" state, which means you can't be forced to join a union. Frankly, forcing people to do anything is already suspect. Unions have a history of being unreasonable. That's too bad because collective action focused on quality is a good thing. Collective action focused merely on forcing others to give you a pass on quality and pretty much anything else is just a fundamental evil.

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