Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Peter Navarro: My Favorite Financial Newsletter

SEE HERE It's not like I have a zillion dollars or anything. I don't. But I've always enjoyed handling my own investing. I have a couple of IRAs and a non-tax sheltered investment account as well as a couple of Annuities. All told it doesn't come to all that much after a lifetime of saving and I expect many of you are in the same kettle of fish. I was just reading the other day that the average American who's been struggling to save over the years with a 401K and maybe an IRA is looking at a pretty bleak future. This is likely going to be worse even than expected since our good buddy the NIC (Narcissist In Charge) is busy trying to spend the country into bankruptcy, take over the health care system, destroy conventional marriage, and ... well it goes on and on but to no good place. If things don't change we're likely in a lot of trouble.

Over the years I've read a lot of books on investing and I've invested myself. I've made some good deals and some not so good ones, but over all did better that I probably would have in some brokerage account with an adviser trying to churn the account whenever he needed extra money. A couple of years ago I got a Little Professor course at Barnes and Noble called Big Picture Investing. I thought it was the most level headed no-hype and thoughtful course in investing I'd ever listened to. Later I bought a couple of his books and I signed up for his newsletter. It's free! If you want to get advice from someone who doesn't have an ax to grind and is pretty level headed, I'd check out Peter Navarro.

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