Monday, May 24, 2010

Airhead Takes On A Whole New Dimension

Remember the health care debate when over 2000 pages of legislation just sort of appeared and none of the members of the congress actually read it before they voted on it? Remember that? I kind of wondered if no-one had read it who had proposed it and how was it written in the first place? Pelosi, not exactly a brain trust, suggested we pass it so we can find out what's in it. That's a novel way of making law. Now we have the flip side of being against about a 17 page law, most of which is boiler plate, that the talking heads out of Washington have not had time to read but they know they don't like it and are demonizing the good people of Arizona who have about been fed up with the violations along their borders including the murder of citizens. Get real folks! We have a word for this kind of governance, but it's too impolite to use here. I try to run without excessive use of profanity, but sometimes it's really hard when the stuff is so deep and gooey. November Is Coming!

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