Monday, May 24, 2010

Standing By While the Invasion Continues

SEE HERE Patriotism is about defending your country against all enemies foreign and domestic. It appears that we have quite a collection right in Washington. Apparently it is racism for Arizona to attempt to enforce the laws of the United States that the Federal Government has chosen to ignore. Well that's hypocrisy at best and outright sedition at worst. We have millions of people in the country illegally who are committing a civil offense at least by just being here and we're told that somehow it isn't nice to point out the fact and try to deal with it. When a country stops enforcing its borders it stops being a country and starts being a dumping ground for every sort of malcontent or perhaps in our case people hoping to cash in on the lousy enforcement of our eligibility rights for all sorts of freebies. Patriotism calls for standing up for doing the right thing, enforcing the law, changing it where necessary but not just ignoring it. But I suppose the Democrats have been ignoring the law for so long that it's become second nature to them. After all they don't care about the Constitution. It's a living document which means just what they want it to mean at any given instant. Tyranny Rising!

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