Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Something to be Thankful For! (at the end of the piece)

SEE HERE Some thoughts on Social Security, worth pondering! This is especially so since the program continues to be troubled by fiscal irresponsibility on the part of the government. It also doesn't help that through abortion we've been killing off exactly the folks that would be paying in the social security funds which this giant Ponzi scheme need so that they can keep paying out. So in some sense the crisis which is coming has been produced by those upon whom it will be visited. On the other hand, a lot of people have been forced to "invest" in this phony system for a long long time. Had it been sensibly invested in real securities or even in something like gold we'd have a lot more than we're going to end up having. I'm still inclined to repeat on of my favorite sayings: "Be thankful that you don't get as much government as you're paying for!"

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