Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Walter Williams Is Cool!

SEE HERE Well now that I've been forgiven ... I'm half Irish and half German. I always joke that my mom had two possibilities. I'd either be a "Taciturn drunk, or a loquacious scholar." Strictly speaking there were two other possibilities, but that wouldn't be funny. The Irish, a lot of them, came to escape the potato famine while I suspect my German ancestors were escaping from Kulturkampf, but I don't really know for sure. Walter Williams comes from a minority which was persecuted and enslaved, but my ancestors were also persecuted. Most Americans come from backgrounds with some sort of disadvantaged past. One of the great opportunities coming to America represented was a nation dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, not in ability, but in their rights to equal treatment under the law.

Williams on his website at George Mason has the video below of Milton Friedman. Worth a look. The Free Enterprise system is the best system ever evolved to free mankind from the burdens of hunger and poverty. Socialism is quite good at destroying the free enterprise system and returning us all to hunger and poverty. Just give Obama a chance.

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