Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Remember and Be Grateful

SEE HERE A friend just sent me this footage from VJ day in 1945. I always say I'm the youngest member of the Pearl Harbor Survivor's Association because I was a fetus at Pearl Harbor on the day of the Japanese attack, December 7, 1941 an iconic date like September 11th. My dad was serving as ordnance officer on the light cruiser Detroit and was defending the ship during the attack. My mother and I were evacuated to the mainland and I was born on the day of the Battle of Midway, June 4th 1942. So I always joke that the sinking of three Japanese carriers and the crippling of a fourth was revenge for trying to kill me at Pearl. Fact is though that this was a difficult time in our history. World War is no picnic and this footage captures both the relief and something of the scope of that time.

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