Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Check Out the Manhattan Declaration Web Site

SEE HERE It's time to stand up for moral values while it is still possible to have some. At the rate our culture is declining we'll have whipped on down the drain before we discovered we were in the gutter. Our schools are turning out cultural rubbishes and at least as troubling, people who are totally devoid of critical thinking schools who simply expect to be told how to think. That is scary folks, seriously scary. I don't know why it is happening. Maybe it's just learning to be parrots instead of critical thinkers. Perhaps it is the answer fallacy, i.e. that all questions have a single right answer and it's in the back of the book or the teacher (some figure in authority) knows it. The reality is that most questions have either no answer or many answers. The other reality is that to find the answers is hard work. They are decidedly not in the back of the book.

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