Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gee ... Shouldn't We Enforce the Law and Protect Our Borders?

SEE HERE and HERE I am really amused by all the smoke and fire stirred up about the Arizona immigration law that everyone seems so upset about, at least all the liberals. We seem to be the only nation in the world that seems to ignore the enforcement of our borders and act as if they should not be enforced. There are any number of rather biting critiques on the internet of what would likely happen to you if you ignored the immigration laws in other countries and violated their borders.
I put up Ray Steven's humorous song a few posts back. But now we have California threatening to boycott Arizona over this thing? Hello! I wish the liberals would stop being ashamed of the United States for whatever reason they have conjured in their fevered brains and start using a little common sense even if it will exhaust the few neurons they have left. We are a nation state. One of the things Nation States Do is Enforce Their Borders ... It's not Rocket Science. While we're at it could we stop having all this accommodation to Spanish and start making folks learn English before we can't understand one another. Multi-lingualism isn't very helpful. The world would be better off if everyone spoke the same language. The Tower of Babel was not a story about something helpful.
Things are bad enough in Arizona that John McCain wants the president to send troops to help secure the border. SEE HERE

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