Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Few Questions for the Green Ideologues

SEE HERE The modern mantras of green everything are driven by a bunch of arm-chair ideologues whose anointed vision they insist is one we should all embrace. There are only a few problems beginning with a) who appointed you characters the lords of the universe?, and b) it would be nice if your ideas were not so laden with your imagination and more laden with facts. Green for example is just a label they apply to their ideas so they can attack everyone else as being non-Green. But green has no particular construction. It just means what the greens want as opposed to what others want. So it is a party designation like Democrat or Republican and only stands for a policy not a moral system. But Demon-crats, "progressive-liberal-socialist-statists" have confused their desires with right and wrong for a long time. That is probably because few of them can actually think. Ideas begin not with the imagination alone but with facts and principles. Unfortunately for the ideologues if the facts don't agree with them their policy is to lie about the facts. Principles? We'll have none of that. They get in the way of what we want to do.

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