Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Benedict Says Shroud of Turin the Burial Robe of Jesus Christ

SEE HERE I'm a Shroud of Turin investigator, at least insofar as one can investigate such a mysterious image using the tools of image processing. I follow the science and technology, the history and archaeology of the shroud with a good deal of interest. The authenticity of the shroud has come under serious fire from a 1988 Carbon 14 dating result which put the shroud in the 13th century. Since that time the question has been whether a) the date is valid and if it is, how was the Shroud of Turin created?, and b) if the date is not valid, what are the reasons? I don't have the answers to either question although I have opinions on the matter. My most deeply held opinion is that the shroud can hardly have been a conscious human artistic production due to its verisimilitude, the state of graphic art at the time it would have had to have been created, and the objective characteristics of the image. This leaves me with the other horn of the dilemma and the mystery of why the date might have been gotten wrong. There is no shortage of suggestions but most are highly speculative and hard to credit. Perhaps if further scientific study is allowed at some point more evidence one way or the other can be ascertained.

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